Dental Implants in Denver CO
In the past, people had to rely on some of the earliest dentures and bridges to replace missing teeth or remedy the appearance of a lost tooth. These technologies were used in place of real teeth for chewing and talking—but they could not prevent bone loss or other issues. Dr. Patterson offers a range of alternatives to dentures, bridges, and bone loss. Dr. Patterson has been providing dental implants in the Denver metro area since 2003 and knows what will work best for you!
Dental implants involve the use of an anchor that is secured into the jawbone. A crown sits on top of this anchor to look, feel, and function like a real tooth. Dental implants match surrounding teeth in both color and proportion. To the naked eye, a dental implant looks exactly like a real tooth, and helps to drastically improve the look of your smile.
Benefits of Dental Implants
Eating: Dental implants help patients to chew food without the experience of food particles becoming trapped between teeth. A dental implant is permanent and stays in place while eating, performing just like a real tooth.
Facial symmetry. Bone loss occurs when a patient loses a tooth, because nothing remains anchored into the jawbone. This is why implants help to preserve bone mass. When one side of the jaw is without a tooth, partial bone loss can affect facial symmetry. It can also affect the patient’s bite, which, in turn, impacts dental hygiene and may cause symptoms such as headaches.
Improved speech. It is difficult to speak with missing teeth. Implants help patients to speak as they once did.
Dental hygiene. Missing teeth offer a greater number of areas in the mouth for food particles and bacteria to become lodged. This leads to gingivitis and other forms of dental disease. Oral health has been indisputably linked to overall health. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream and affect other body systems.
Durability. Implants often last an entire lifetime.
Permanence. Because dental implants are fixed, they do not need to be removed for cleaning, which means that they won’t come loose while enjoying the company of your friends and family.
Good Candidates
Dental implants represent a popular option for a wide array of patients. They have a very high success rate, which makes them a favorable option from the perspective of dental professionals, as well. If a patient can undergo an extraction or surgery, they are usually a good candidate for dental implants. There should be enough bone mass for the anchoring of the post, and patients should have good dental hygiene in order to be considered for a dental implant. People who smoke heavily, suffer from uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or other significant medical conditions are not generally considered good candidates for implants. Please consult with Dr. Patterson to see if dental implants could be an option for you.
Your Treatment Plan
Dr. Patterson will discuss with you whether or not you’re a good candidate for dental implants, and review with you your individual treatment plan. Dental implants require surgery, so it will be necessary for Dr. Patterson to create a detailed treatment plan for oral surgery. If you have any further questions about how the procedures work please contact us.
Implant Procedure - What to Expect
Because dental implants must be placed within the bone, the first step is referred to as a tooth root implant. During this procedure, a small titanium post is placed within the bone socket where the missing tooth once was. The bone then needs to heal around the post so that it is effectively anchored into the jawbone. This process can take anywhere from 6 and 12 weeks, depending upon the individual. When this post is firmly in place, a connector post, referred to as an abutment, is attached. An impression will then be taken of your teeth. This impression lays out the arrangement of your teeth, and also helps the dentist to create a substitute tooth, known as a crown or a cap. Once this tooth has been made, it is secured to the connector post.
Dental implants can be treated like ordinary teeth, because they take the place of ordinary teeth. A dental implant represents a permanent solution that needs to be brushed and flossed, just like an ordinary tooth. Routines involving mouthwash and other methods of oral hygiene should be followed in order to maintain optimal oral health.
The price of dental implants can vary greatly, just give us a call to learn more
The dental implant procedure is simple and has a very high success rate
Dental insurance can make the costs of dental implants much more affordable, especially for full mouth procedures
Dr. Kendra Patterson is a local, top rated implant dentist, she will explain all of your options in detail during the initial exam
If you are having problems with your current dental implants, we can help fix, restore or replace them
We are one of the best dental implant offices in the Denver Metro area based on Google reviews
The longer you wait, the more bone loss you are likely to incur. Schedule your appointment today with Dr. Patterson, and secure your option of receiving a dental implant before it’s too late! Please call our office to set up an appointment: (303) 722-9504.