Bruxism can be habitual and totally involuntary, it often occurs during sleep. After a time the gnashing and grinding action can begin to take its toll on your tooth enamel. Bruxism is hard to self-diagnose because of the fact that it is either dismissed as a matter of habit or the bruxer is unaware of the problem. It is more often noticed by his sleep partner or even someone trying to rest in the next room – the noise can get pretty loud at times.
Stress is one cause of bruxism, particularly in adults but it is more often the result of a misaligned bite which may require a series of treatments. A custom-made nightguard is recommended to prevent grinding and clenching during sleep and there are things that you can do to keep from bruxing.
Once the diagnosis has been made your dentist may recommend that you cut down on your daily consumption of caffeine/alcohol. They may also suggest stress-reduction exercises and making a concentrated effort to be aware of the situations that trigger the bruxism.
It’s important to keep up with regularly scheduled dental appointments so that your Denver dentist can monitor any changes in your oral health and avoid the consequences of the advanced stages of bruxism or gum disease. Prevention is key when it comes to good oral health. Make that appointment with Kendra L. Patterson, DMD today, call 303-722-9504 in Denver.